Beecomplet/apicomplet Primavera.

The apicomplet is the first and its development was always thinking on bees increased by the first flowering.

No colony without bees, without bees no crops honey pollen etc.

Apicomplet is very liquid the nectar of flowers is very liquid, there is nectar containing water up to 80 %, minerals, (sugar) carbohydrate oils essential protein vitamins etc.

Apicomplet Beecomplet is a nectar of flowers. All the nutrients are vegetables 100 %. Does not contain pollen, preservatives or additives industrial source (antibiotics proteins etc.)

It was thought to have a colony with many bees before the flowering, to make the maximum short Spanish blooms. Normally the hives needed more than half of the flowering for sufficient to enable the suffered beekeeper bees swarming and harvesting.

The best results in the Spanish levante are feeding twice. First bag 2 months before the spring second bag 1 month before the spring. Always have present climate of each zone.